Welcome to

Our Mission

Our non-profit foundation, Peru Mission, is an organization targeting for the homeless ministry, and missionary care home management. Peru Mission is looking for co-workers to work together based on this vision.

Since it is an organization that nurtures future generations toward the vision given by the Lord Jesus Christ and helps brothers and sisters in need, we are recruiting people who will work together in an inter-denominational manner beyond denominations.

It seems that the time of the Lord Jesus Christ returning very soon. Are you ready for him? We are waiting for those who will share his will with a happiness and grateful heart, so please join us.

저희 페루 선교 비영리 재단은 바이블 리딩 카페 사역, 선교 체험장 사역을 하나님이 주신 비젼으로 알고 사역하는 단체입니다. 이 비젼을 토대로 함께 사역할 동역자들을 찾고 있으며 주님께서 주신 비젼을 향해 미래 세대를 양육하고 어려운 형제 자매들을 돕는 단체이기에 교단을 넘어 초교파적으로 함께 사역하실 분들을 모집중에 있습니다.

주님 오실때가 머지 않은듯 합니다. 주님 맞을 준비가 되셨나요? 하루하루 기쁘고 감사한 마음으로 뜻을 함께 할 분들을 기다리고 있으니 많은 참여와 후원 부탁드립니다.

Mission Experience 선교여행과 체험

Long-Term Mission Trip

Ministry and church plant. Help churches grow members and spiritually.

Short-Term Mission Trip

We invite team or individuals to experience short term mission trip.

Bible Reading Cafe

Read and write Bible.
Study Spanish.
Return of Jesus Christ living faith.


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